Wednesday, 19 May 2010

My Conclusion

so the dvd showcase is complete and it been a good experience for me during this project. i found this project very useful towards my future coming work and projects. Learning dvd studio pro was a little tricky at first but i got the idea of using it where i could create my only menus then using the default templates.

My DVD Menu done!

Below i took a snapshot of my dvd menus. I completed the buttons and made shall that everything was successfully link up properly. This took at least 2 days to finish putting together. I found this a good experience of learning dvd studio pro. The software wasn't as difficult as i thought it would be.

Final Showreel

I posted a copy of my completed showreel where i edited my best work using after effects and final cut pro. i enjoyed doing this which only took a couple of hours to do. Looking at previous showreels of other peoples work, give me a clear understanding of what i had to do. Producing this gives viewers an insight of what i am capable of doing.
I think i produced a admirable showreel with what i had to show. My showreel is targeted at 3D modeling and animation where i believe i have a intermediate level of learning.

My Design layout

Here i did a rough sketch of how i want my menu pages to look like in layout form. i had a vision of how i would want and intended menu to look like. my main source of reference was from a website called 3DLeigh who's work is amazing to look at.

This is a list of all my work that i have put together, that will be putting into my DVD showcase page Gallery. I have selected my best work that i felt was good enough for using.

Gallery Page

3D Animation
BBC 2 Ident
Spaceship Animation
Jellyfish Animation
RaveLive II Ident
Space Trailer
Sci-Fi City

Life Drawing
Image 1 Image 7
Image 2 Image 8
Image 3 Image 9
Image 4 Image 10
Image 5 Image 11
Image 6 Image 12

Drawing 1 Drawing 7
Drawing 2 Drawing 8
Drawing 3 Drawing 9
Drawing 4 Drawing 10
Drawing 5 Drawing 11
Drawing 6 Drawing 12

DVD Menus

These are some images of dvd menus that i looked at for inspiration. I also look at a couple of dvd menus of mine that i have at home.
link: Super-Compressed DVD and the Utilities
Links modix-hd,review-375-9.html

Dvd Studio Pro

I had a lesson with Alex using dvd studio pro which was fine where he taught us the basics of creating buttons, menus and linking the pages together.

Gathering my work

i now started to choice my work that i was going to put into my showreel