Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Final Conclusion

Now the Rave Live ident animation is complete and out of the way. It was an interesting project whIch i enjoyed doing working for Rave Live. There were some difficulties that i came across the way due to producing the ident animation. i was haven't problem skinning and rigging the bubble bee which was one of those things. the rigging wasn't great enough but i was just enable to get the body moving a bit. Rigging the legs was a terrible experience for me to get right where i had to leave it without moving. i felt that i did a good modeling the ident logo and bubble bee which was one of my strongest areas. i was pretty happy with the what i had done in the time frame me and Shuhel had left. Texturing was another area i was not confident in doing. Shuhel was my partner in the project were he was going to texture the model but he was busy doing the second ident we both done and there wasn't time so i textured myself using the material textures in maya. i was surprised that i had achieved a good ident animation of the bubble which i more a less done by myself. I was happy with the over all out come of the ident.

Working with Shuhel again in a team was a good experience. i think together we did a good job of collaborating and being creative. We came up with a variety of ideas that fitted the our aim of the brief . Storyboarding and coming up with ideas to the brief was the most exciting and productive part of the team. Our communication between each other was really good where we had a lot in common towards our ideas. Creating the work was alright, but we did come a cross some problems along the way when it got technical. working in a team was beneficially good me where it made me more confident with the experience. i would try with again working in a team of two.
Working for the Rave Live as our clients was a good experience. it wasn't all that i thought it was going to be working for the Rave Live Clients. I learned a lot on this assignment, which was also one of my best work so far this term. i am pretty pleased with what i have accomplished.

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