Wednesday, 19 May 2010

My Conclusion

so the dvd showcase is complete and it been a good experience for me during this project. i found this project very useful towards my future coming work and projects. Learning dvd studio pro was a little tricky at first but i got the idea of using it where i could create my only menus then using the default templates.

My DVD Menu done!

Below i took a snapshot of my dvd menus. I completed the buttons and made shall that everything was successfully link up properly. This took at least 2 days to finish putting together. I found this a good experience of learning dvd studio pro. The software wasn't as difficult as i thought it would be.

Final Showreel

I posted a copy of my completed showreel where i edited my best work using after effects and final cut pro. i enjoyed doing this which only took a couple of hours to do. Looking at previous showreels of other peoples work, give me a clear understanding of what i had to do. Producing this gives viewers an insight of what i am capable of doing.
I think i produced a admirable showreel with what i had to show. My showreel is targeted at 3D modeling and animation where i believe i have a intermediate level of learning.

My Design layout

Here i did a rough sketch of how i want my menu pages to look like in layout form. i had a vision of how i would want and intended menu to look like. my main source of reference was from a website called 3DLeigh who's work is amazing to look at.

This is a list of all my work that i have put together, that will be putting into my DVD showcase page Gallery. I have selected my best work that i felt was good enough for using.

Gallery Page

3D Animation
BBC 2 Ident
Spaceship Animation
Jellyfish Animation
RaveLive II Ident
Space Trailer
Sci-Fi City

Life Drawing
Image 1 Image 7
Image 2 Image 8
Image 3 Image 9
Image 4 Image 10
Image 5 Image 11
Image 6 Image 12

Drawing 1 Drawing 7
Drawing 2 Drawing 8
Drawing 3 Drawing 9
Drawing 4 Drawing 10
Drawing 5 Drawing 11
Drawing 6 Drawing 12

DVD Menus

These are some images of dvd menus that i looked at for inspiration. I also look at a couple of dvd menus of mine that i have at home.
link: Super-Compressed DVD and the Utilities
Links modix-hd,review-375-9.html

Dvd Studio Pro

I had a lesson with Alex using dvd studio pro which was fine where he taught us the basics of creating buttons, menus and linking the pages together.

Gathering my work

i now started to choice my work that i was going to put into my showreel

Showreel Examples 2

I posted in a copy of Cinesites showcase which i viewed as reference material.

Cinesite Link : Cinesite

Showreel Examples 1

i came across this showreel clip that i like and thought about using bits of techniques used in this clip for part of my showreel.

Showreel research

Before i started to create my showreel, i did some investigating on what makes a good showreel. i remember when escape studios came to visit Ravensbourne and presented a lecture on making an showreel. They gave us some useful feedback on what they would want to see on a showreel.
- Only show your best work.
- Time length should be no more then 90 seconds
- Try to be different and not original.

These were some of the points they were talking about. i decided to look on the internet to see some examples of showreels which inspired me and also gave me some ideas towards my work.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Final Conclusion

Now the Rave Live ident animation is complete and out of the way. It was an interesting project whIch i enjoyed doing working for Rave Live. There were some difficulties that i came across the way due to producing the ident animation. i was haven't problem skinning and rigging the bubble bee which was one of those things. the rigging wasn't great enough but i was just enable to get the body moving a bit. Rigging the legs was a terrible experience for me to get right where i had to leave it without moving. i felt that i did a good modeling the ident logo and bubble bee which was one of my strongest areas. i was pretty happy with the what i had done in the time frame me and Shuhel had left. Texturing was another area i was not confident in doing. Shuhel was my partner in the project were he was going to texture the model but he was busy doing the second ident we both done and there wasn't time so i textured myself using the material textures in maya. i was surprised that i had achieved a good ident animation of the bubble which i more a less done by myself. I was happy with the over all out come of the ident.

Working with Shuhel again in a team was a good experience. i think together we did a good job of collaborating and being creative. We came up with a variety of ideas that fitted the our aim of the brief . Storyboarding and coming up with ideas to the brief was the most exciting and productive part of the team. Our communication between each other was really good where we had a lot in common towards our ideas. Creating the work was alright, but we did come a cross some problems along the way when it got technical. working in a team was beneficially good me where it made me more confident with the experience. i would try with again working in a team of two.
Working for the Rave Live as our clients was a good experience. it wasn't all that i thought it was going to be working for the Rave Live Clients. I learned a lot on this assignment, which was also one of my best work so far this term. i am pretty pleased with what i have accomplished.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Hand in! RaveLive Ident :BeeHive


After rendering out the project using Tiffs, i then used after effects to play the Tiffs as a Quicktime movie.


Now that the modeling, Texturing, Rigging, Animating and Lightening is finished, it is now time to rendering the bumble bee project. i decided to render the animation as Tiffs then quicktime movie. I realized that they may be possibilities of there being an error due to that reason.

Didn't take to long to render because the animation was short which came up to 15 seconds.


i found animating the bumble bee rather difficult because the rigging wasn't properly done, so it made it harder for me to animate.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Ident look! Bee Hive

Here i created this image for the bumble bee.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Bumble Bee Model

The next part was the stage was for me to create the bubble bee in maya using the reference that i had already gathered. i started by importing one of my side sketches of the bubble bee. i then began to use the shapes to constructing the model.

Here is a clip of my model in progress using Maya.

3D Logo Model

Here are to snapshots of the Rave Live Logo which i created using illustrator and Maya. This was pretty straight toward to make using the help of Digital tutors. i first created the initial logo in illustrator using the pen tool and converted the lines into vector. this was done so that the line could be read when imported into Maya.

i also looked at different surfaces of texture, which was interesting to view.

References- Textures

Here i did some references on honey cone textures where i was looking at a variety of styles for my project. i was trying to found a good source of reference material which could be used for my 3d logo, part of a texture. i selected images below were also taken from the internet in google.

References-Bumble Bee

The idea we came up with was going to be officially the bubble bee storyboard, Here i did some references on bubble bees and their environment habitat. i found these useful images on the internet and looked at different styles of design. e.g ...cartoony and realistic. After looking at these images i took the approach of designing my own concepts, to going the realistic style in 3D.

Client meeting- Pitching ideas

Today me and Shuhel mate up with the RaveLive mangers to Pitch our ideas to them. we had a variety of ideas which we sold to them which they like. They love our ideas and thought about putting only 1 or 2 ideas which was the bubble bee storyboard and the spaceship storyboard. They did say that we may want to consider making only one ident for them due to the short time we only had left to producing the work. We only had 2 weeks to produce the ravelive ident which was going to be 15 seconds long. Me and Shuhel decided that we were going to produce an ident each for Ravelive.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Storyboard 2- Transformation

Storyboard 1 - Bumble Bee

Here i came up with a idea of a bubble bee flying about, when it appears out of the Ravelive II Logo. This was very short down to the amount of time we had left to produce the ident for Ravelive. We initially only had 15 seconds which was given to us to promote the ident.

Friday, 26 March 2010

RaveLive Logo Design

This is a copy of the Rave Live Logo Design, that was shown around the college this week. I through the design looked alright, much better then the last years Rave on Air.

Cinesite Let Down!

On wednesday we were suppose to have a lecture with Cinesite, who were unable to come in due to the fact there was a date mix up. I was very disappointed to hear that they were not attending Ravensbourne college that day. Mike smith quoted that they will be coming next week thursday in the afternoon 4pm.

RaveLive Brief

Who Should I work for? hmm...

On Monday Jared posted us a copy of the Industry Exercises 3 project brief. I had a good read of the project brief, and was deciding upon who to work for. This Project Brief was far more different to the other projects because on this project we have to work for someone (Client).
A) Third year
B) Rave Live
C) Industry Client

I thought about the time I had to finishing this project and I realized that this term, I didn't have a lot of time. So I decided to work for the RaveLive Students who are organizing this event taken place at university on the 19th of May 2010. I did consider working with the third year,but I didn't believe that my Maya skills were up to scratch. I also thought about the industry client, but I felt that was a 50/50 opportunity whether or not any clients will get back to me.

so yes, i decided that it was going to be Rave Live (Idents)

Project Brief

Aims of the Unit

  • To enable students to initiate, plan, and complete complex team projects.
  • To enable students to work to broadcast standards of quality.
  • To provide experience of establishing and developing team project schedules and tracking progress towards project completion.
  • To enable students to demonstrate and promote the range and quality of their animation skills through the production of a show-reel.

The emphasis for this brief is upon fitness for broadcast purposes, if you read the learning outcomes and assessment criteria that follow this section then you will see that one of the main areas for your assessment is upon how well you meet technical parameters to enable your work to be broadcast.

You will be required to work in small teams, ideally, two, or three people per team.

You will be required to submit three pieces of work for assessment.

· An individual reflective journal (Blog)

· An individual interactive DVD showreel

· A group film fit for broadcast




This is where the majority of your effort will be directed for this project. You will have to choose a team first of all, ideally a small one of two or three individuals. Then you will have to negotiate a brief for your project. There are three main ways that you can fulfill this part of the brief, but all will depend upon you having a real client, and it is up to YOU to get information from your client to define your brief. This information should include a list of deliverable items, and a set of deadlines.

Way 1

Work as a junior on a BA film project.

Way 2

Work towards Rave Live.

The 3rd Way

Find an external Client.